First aerial view of Jakarta 1924

One of the first aerial photographs of Jakarta, taken on 24 November 1924, moments before the first plane ever touched down in Indonesia. Jan Thomassen à Thuessink van der Hoop (1893-1969) was captain of a Fokker F.VIII which already departed from Amsterdam on 1 October 1924 but took seven weeks to arrive in Batavia, after having experienced several technical issues. Here the plane flew over the area of Hotel des Indes and Postspaarbank (Bank Tabungan Negara) and we are looking eastwards across Noordwijk (Jalan Juanda) on the left of the canal and Rijswijk (Jalan Veteran) on the right side.
On the right front of the photo society De Harmonie. Halfway the photo on the right side we recognise Paleis Rijswijk (now Istana Negara), further up the right Hotel de Nederlanden. Along Noordwijk on the left side of the canal many offices of which those of the ENLVM, NILLMIJ and NHM were the most well-known. On the front left, on the corner of Molenvliet Oost (Jalan Hayam Wuruk) and Noordwijk an empty site where a few years later the construction of Hotel des Galeries would commence.
source: Leiden University, the Netherlands