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Moojen’s houses in Kramat (6)
Houses on Jalan Kramat 7 (Laan Wiechert) From 1947 onwards a number of houses on Laan Wiechert (now Jalan Kramat VII) were occupied by Moluccan/Maluku families. And even today there is a lively Moluccan community in the area. Following the events of Indonesia's...
Moojen’s houses in Kramat (5)
Jalan Kramat 5 (Kramatlaan) number 14 When researching the development of architect P.A.J. Moojen's houses in Kramat, there are unfortunately many gaps. Especially as over the years very few photos were taken. There is a decent series of pictures from 1912, taken just...
Idul Fitri Tanah Abang Bukit 1970s
Tanah Abang Bukit in 1900 (left) and in the 1970s (right) Since the publication of our book 250 YEARS IN OLD JAKARTA we have been approached by many people from all over the world who, after reading the book, wanted to share their experiences and their childhood...
Moojen’s houses in Kramat (4)
The house of Herman Salomonson at Jalan Kramat 24 in 1924 One of the largest and most beautifully designed houses of architect P.A.J. Moojen in Kramat was the one on Kramatlaan 24 (now Jalan Kramat V 24). It was at the end of the street, close to the Ciliwung River,...
Moojen’s houses in Kramat (3)
The so-called 'Spookhuis' (Haunting House) in Kramat, ca 1912 None of the 22 two-storey houses on Kramatlaan (Jalan Kramat V) and Laan Wiechert (Jalan Kramat VII) were identical. They all had their own unique design, ornaments and fittings. The house on this photo is...
Roemer Visscher Clubhouse 1930
The Roemer Visscher Clubhouse in the Batavia Botanical and Zoological Gardens, circa 1930 Strangely enough one of the most mysterious buildings of colonial Jakarta. This massive pavilion featured in the Batavia Botanical and Zoological Gardens in Cikini/Tjikini from...
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